today has been another boring day, and im regrettably saying my holidays have turned out to be just all work! but last night, after my rush of an afternoon, i enjoyed the company of some friends and some warm cheap drinks. getting to monikas was quite the mission, having to wait at sleeman for at least 15 minutes before brendan the brainy one thought that i could have been stranded at the other stop, and so they rescued me! it was quite an enjoyable evening, minus the fact that my phone died and i made quite the stack. you see, my dear friend alex and i in quite an intoxicated state, and after dancing to the worst pop songs for hours, saw a swing and had to race to it. i hit the raised concrete and stumbled to the dirt, where the inevitable happened. i now have scratches up my arms and a few bruises.
my friend mad us dinner hand made, and i put myself to sleep. it was a great laugh! this morning, we trekked to mine to clean up before trekking to work for a few hours. which ring me to a few hours ago. for the last three hours i have finally noticed how much i hate stupid teen lust! my younger brother has very recently been dating a girl , who b all means is very nice and seem decent, but they talk for hours on goddamn end with no break and i get kicked off the inter web because of it!its so lame and i hate it! ugh someone eradicate this situation that keeps happening, you will be my hero.
now im enjoying my time, after alot of persuasion and some slightly raised voices, so props to that!