this velvet dress in one of my treasures; found in wynnum
today could turn out to be another boring day, like so many i have had before. you see, i was going to go searching for a formal dress somewhere in the likes of town and surroundng areas of beauty, but due to banks and people not being paid, plans seem to disappear before my eyes, but not to worry i have and imagination and a bucket full of tricks up my sleeve!
the most hilarious thing did happen this morning. now, i am currently on a bit of a holiday, tomorrow being my last day off before rekindling my schoolbag and heading back for two days, but although my father knows this, he insists on waking me up at 7am every morning still. quite dumb actually, when i spend my nights up late watching the genius of Jamie Brittain and Bryan Elsley in the form of an outrageously fantastic television show called skins, not to mention the numerous conversations going on thanks to the invention of the internet.
but last night i had somewhat of an epiphany, where as i was about to settle into bed and begin enthralling my mind with the wonder that was. i decided to look through some old books, and coincidently found my italian book from grade five. hence if your wondering why i have named this incy-wincy spider, thats what i found. for one of our assessments we had to learn the tune in italian and it did seem quite hard at the time, but i guess its fairly ordinary now:
ahh, the childhood memories that do come flooding back at the smallest things, do you not agree? they can be absolutely fantastic in the like-minded. i might climb a tree today, who knows.Robertino ragno.
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Piove forte forte.
Robertino cade giu.
Esc il sole non piove piu.
Robertino ragno.
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