at this time, right now i am multi tasking between packing for the most drunken week of my life and writing this.
last night was the night i have been gearing up for, my senior formal and my graduation. its finally all over, an i am unbelievably relieved and nothing else. im excited and scared for whats ahead, but i think i will be okay.
i have had little sleep, and danced until 4am this morning. so i think i Will finish packing and head to bed
goodnight dears.
Are the birds chirping in your ear, because they are in mine. And Honey, they're demonic.
in a number of ways, i feel accomplished. school is pretty much over, work is getting good, i feel well again and everything is going well. i am prepared for things i need to be ready for, and i am only anxious to find out results.
this morning as i sit over my muesli and watch cartoons i do wonder if this is what life after school will be like, i think it may. it is good, relaxing and i like it. just sitting around, having time to think and having a way of getting time to myself.
in most regards, from now on i will be less lazy with these posts, and i think i have begun to pick up a little already.
this weekend i would love to meet someone new, someone fun and someone interesting. please deliver them to me.
little times of neglect and times of thought and self confusion, that is life as it is right now. excitement and dullness and everything in between at the one time.
a week, almost nine days since i have written and i do not feel obliged to rekindle my ways of this just yet. soon, hopefully i will. as time comes more easily and freely.
the last week was a battle and triumphant to say the least. time spent at school tick tocking the day away in class and out of class waiting for the end of the day to head home. friday was inevitably a wondrous hope because of these. the afternoon class began, i sat anxious to leave and as soon as it struck 2:40, i was out of there. the first bus home, getting changed and hen heading into town to meet some lovely individuals before heading off to the seaside.
the nine of us had many laughs and picked up some stragglers too. a frail middle aged lady was continuously antagonised by us, but she laughed it off. she was too sweet. drawings for birthday cards and little supplies of drinks and substances. i felt too sick to do a thing, but i pulled through. the thrill of getting there was crushed by having to wait for half an hour to get our bus to the apartment, but a ride came along soon enough and fixed everyones problems. it was a living clown car, literally.
the times continued until early morning with sand in between my tights and scraggly hair, feeling sick and lethargic i put myself to bed, to later be woken up by a friend using me as a sofa. my ribs still hurt a little. serious conversations i was not interested in and little thoughts streaming through my mind as if to keep me strangely distant and occupied from the rest. though a lovely boy kept me company digitally, with all my thought lifted and just left smiling continuously.
an inquisitive anna reading over my shoulder protested that he was my boyfriend and i had turned him down multiple times, that i did not like the flowers he had given me, or that he had funny hair. none of which are true in the slightest, and none of which have happened, though it was a laugh all the same. as were the random older people we saw at all hours in the morning doing exercise.
the moonlight hitting the water at 2am was amazing.
the next morning, strolls along the shore were relaxing and draining at the same time, but sitting under a large oak tree and making leaf rings were fun. so many different little conversations arose from the situations and travels times.
by the time we had returned to what looked familiar, it was midday and things were alive and rolling. running into numerous friends and getting bark thrown down my top by them was funny, but yet annoying. no plans had arisen as of yet, but they turned out to pop up easily.
as most people were heading to a popular band playing live, alot of us were left with nothing, or left dateless. so it was decided...
a girls night in, with lovely people and fun times.
after cooking up a batch of singapore noodles to eat, and having some grain waves it was time to get stuck into the initial shots that we had been waiting for. shot one, to not being stuck at a hot and sweaty gig surrounded by gross bogan emos and girls who just want a hardcore boyfriend. then the fun began, from walking like a wind up toy moved, feeding a snake its dinner and asking in the most annoying voice over and over 'you virgin?, you not virgin?'. many conversations included different topics such as sexual education, condoms and pet animals that no longer exist, it was a little weird i must admit. but strangely so comfortable.
pajamas and numerous hours spent dancing to old song in memory. and that lead to an even better sleep. those two lovely girls, shantelle and casey are amazing for spending it with me.
sunday was a drag heading home, and i watched movies all afternoon curled up in bed. much like a lazy cat.
the week began with a hopeful look with two days of school left, and a lovely friend who encourages me to make the most of it.
little times of neglect and times of thought and self confusion, that is life as it is right now. excitement and dullness and everything in between at the one time.
a week, almost nine days since i have written and i do not feel obliged to rekindle my ways of this just yet. soon, hopefully i will. as time comes more easily and freely.
the last week was a battle and triumphant to say the least. time spent at school tick tocking the day away in class and out of class waiting for the end of the day to head home. friday was inevitably a wondrous hope because of these. the afternoon class began, i sat anxious to leave and as soon as it struck 2:40, i was out of there. the first bus home, getting changed and hen heading into town to meet some lovely individuals before heading off to the seaside.
the nine of us had many laughs and picked up some stragglers too. a frail middle aged lady was continuously antagonised by us, but she laughed it off. she was too sweet. drawings for birthday cards and little supplies of drinks and substances. i felt too sick to do a thing, but i pulled through. the thrill of getting there was crushed by having to wait for half an hour to get our bus to the apartment, but a ride came along soon enough and fixed everyones problems. it was a living clown car, literally.
the times continued until early morning with sand in between my tights and scraggly hair, feeling sick and lethargic i put myself to bed, to later be woken up by a friend using me as a sofa. my ribs still hurt a little. serious conversations i was not interested in and little thoughts streaming through my mind as if to keep me strangely distant and occupied from the rest. though a lovely boy kept me company digitally, with all my thought lifted and just left smiling continuously.
an inquisitive anna reading over my shoulder protested that he was my boyfriend and i had turned him down multiple times, that i did not like the flowers he had given me, or that he had funny hair. none of which are true in the slightest, and none of which have happened, though it was a laugh all the same. as were the random older people we saw at all hours in the morning doing exercise.
the moonlight hitting the water at 2am was amazing.
the next morning, strolls along the shore were relaxing and draining at the same time, but sitting under a large oak tree and making leaf rings were fun. so many different little conversations arose from the situations and travels times.
by the time we had returned to what looked familiar, it was midday and things were alive and rolling. running into numerous friends and getting bark thrown down my top by them was funny, but yet annoying. no plans had arisen as of yet, but they turned out to pop up easily.
as most people were heading to a popular band playing live, alot of us were left with nothing, or left dateless. so it was decided...
a girls night in, with lovely people and fun times.
after cooking up a batch of singapore noodles to eat, and having some grain waves it was time to get stuck into the initial shots that we had been waiting for. shot one, to not being stuck at a hot and sweaty gig surrounded by gross bogan emos and girls who just want a hardcore boyfriend. then the fun began, from walking like a wind up toy moved, feeding a snake its dinner and asking in the most annoying voice over and over 'you virgin?, you not virgin?'. many conversations included different topics such as sexual education, condoms and pet animals that no longer exist, it was a little weird i must admit. but strangely so comfortable.
pajamas and numerous hours spent dancing to old song in memory. and that lead to an even better sleep. those two lovely girls, shantelle and casey are amazing for spending it with me.
sunday was a drag heading home, and i watched movies all afternoon curled up in bed. much like a lazy cat.
the week began with a hopeful look with two days of school left, and a lovely friend who encourages me to make the most of it.
there are a number of things to excite me about november
let's begin it with the best intentions, so that anything bad that may happen, will seem less than horrible.
1. receiving my copy of russh in the mail
2. finishing the last few exams i will have in a
3. feeling like a princess at formal
4. feeling like a child at schoolies
5. summer is almost here
let's begin it with the best intentions, so that anything bad that may happen, will seem less than horrible.
well hello again, and after the last few days a very happy hello it is. i left you in a hurry eager to begin my weekend and get things rolling, and although of to a slow start they finally did with great results.
friday afternoon was spent carelessly travelling from one place to another to organise the people that would help me enjoy my weekend and to pick up some much needed items also. it was then time to head into town, and although i had atleast five hours to kill, i ran into a number of different individuals that each helped me pass the time away.
the night began with the usual sushi and green tea and a look in almost every shop atleast twice. some entertainment from a live band was enthusing as my boredom grew. it was just after taking a seat to have a much needed rest that i finally got a message that told me i was no longer alone.
my company i had been waiting for and laughs had finally joined me for before going to the halloween party, and so we went off to find capes, inevitably everywhere was sold out. so moustaches it was. walking up a million stairs because my friend had parked the furthest away he could seemed like hell. then again, i had to get changed into my costume in the back of a moving van, but that was okay i guess.
a little uncomfortable and very roly-poly.
the night just went up from this point, with many laughs, running into people i had not seen for a while and people i did not expect to see either. a sure fire joy. there was a gumby, a scoobydoo, a seth rogen and lots of maids, but it was all worth it t see the people i had. drinks and other substances made my mind stand still, and little memories have remained from then. singing at the top of my lungs and dancing till my feet dropped off. loosing and then finding people that were at the same place, it was all in the atmosphere.
it was 2am before the pumpkin hit and the carriages left, but it was all well worth it. commandeering a friends bed was good, and waking up to a fantastic cup of tea was grand.
the saturday was spent waling around, chatting and planning for the next night although i had mine already sorted. top floor in the city saturday night then georgies party.
top floor was to be smiled at to say the least, with bands such as the ailment, aversions crown, dead set and cross the lips of grace. one dressed as a taco, one a spoon and some trash along the way. it was a good night. and to see some close friends was great also.
then it was to head to georgies, with eager part go-ers and more fun ahead. another long night and another lot of sailor moon pictures all well worth it.
not very much sleep all weekend as left me feeling as though i need to do this more often and get used to It, though i do not know if i will. thats all for today, i think im going to spare the rest of my thoughts for school work. what a bore.
goodbye lovelies.
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