my boyfriend can take snaps; all-seeing-eye and medusa eye
the slums of lindum.
things have gone from remembering daily, to every few days, to whenever i can. it's a bad habit i have been slipping into and i'm trying to get out of it quick too. the last week has been blurry and i only remember the laughs barely, and the faces i have seen faintly. i need a better memory, i really do.
one of my latest things i am into is surely the hidden treasure of thrash music and punk hardcore. last night and yesterday equally were very good for this craving of mine. the day began as usual with waking up to kisses and a tightening hug from my lovely boyfriend, and then having toast and coffee. little too no time to get ready always shortened by the problem of not knowing what to wear. things were finally decided upon, including two diy's that morning just to be comfortable. with some favourites opshop pieces.
the first bus was caught and the money spending began. i ran int some of the most lovely kids i know, and it was shannon's birthday. i am now cordially saying, 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOY!' for the millionth time. the laughs rolled on and on and on as did the day and the sun making a hot and sweaty time of it all. when the boys wandered off and trudged back with cake and party hats it lit all our faces to a grin that was for sure.
and running into a lovely person i have not seen since schoolies week was also good. the day ended by me going to work to find out that i did not have to work, and inevitably got to go and join the rest of the people at the fort of fortitude valley for the rise and fall tour.
joined by blkout, anacxis and the hollow.
sooooooooo good! i loved it and the music was enlivening and amazing. though i must seemingly say the lovely things that have happened this week are easily ruined when a good friends texts you and you cannot reply because you are too poor to have a working phone, oh the tragedy!
in other words, my christmas shopping is well, half to nearly done and my plans for nye are found. so things can't be that bad. plus, theres always the good thing of having a lovely boy around most days to kill time with and just smile with. i am truly glad to have found and infatuation, and someone to share it with.
in the mean time, right now... my house and backyard is crawling with teenagers in swimmers. you see, i come home from working all day to find my little/not so little brother has a 'few' friends over which means twenty or so, for a swimming things, that is lets say, non-alcoholic because my father is here. how awesome this is, so many delusional looks from people at me, just sitting in the corner by the fireplace, typing away.
then again, dead ends is playing and entertaining me, and my dad did just nearly singe his eyebrows off trying to light the barbecue for them all.
entertaining atleast :)
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